Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Model in the Making

Here are some pictures we had don of Eden. They are kind of old, she was 6 weeks, but we are getting some more in a few weeks. We will also get our very first family photo then, too. Stay tuned for more visual enjoyment. Enjoy...........

Food for thought: this dress was also my blessing dress. ah, so sentimental.

This picture was entered into a 'cutest' baby picture contest by the photographer. I haven't heard yet who won.......she's a winner in my book (cheesy? yeah, i know. my excuse is that babies steal your brain)

Goofy face. This was the closest we could get to a smile.

This is her "oh" face. She makes it all the time.


Bonnie said...

oh so cute, if I were her photographer (i could be some day) I would enter her in all the cute baby contests!!!